
Skin Cancer and Golf

May is Skin Cancer awareness month and as we move from Spring to Summer and the temperatures get warmer, you need to be aware of the risk of Sun damage to your skin and the potential for Skin Cancer. This year over 2,000,000 people will be diagnosed with skin cancer in the United States. Each year more skin cancers are diagnosed than Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer and Prostate Cancer combined. 

On the golf course you are exposed throughout the day to the infra red rays of the Sun. You have to make sure you protect your skin and wear the proper clothing. Growing up in Australia which has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. We were programmed to wear a hat with a brim and use proper sunscreen everyday. If we showed up at school without a hat and sunscreen we were sent home.

It is no joke when you see someone lose their nose or ear to skin cancer. Not trying to scare anyone but you need to educate yourself on the dangers of skin cancer and protect yourself on the golf course. A great resource for this is, I encourage all of you to read through their website it may save your life.

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